Sheikh Odeh Abu Tayeh
Born in 1870, Sheikh Odeh Abu Tayeh showed signs of his talent in leadership early in his youth, gaining a reputation as a brave leader of raids, through which he reached the Euphrates in Iraq and the outskirts of Aleppo in Syria.
When he heard that Prince Faisal had arrived in Al Wajh area, he took the initiative of meeting with him along with a number of relatives, announcing that he joined the Arab Revolt and expressing readiness to hoist its flag in Maan. He then returned with Sharif Nasser to his home and worked to mobilise tribesmen. He also led the campaign that liberated Aqaba in early July 1917.
Odeh continued to fight the battles of the Revolt, and participated in the campaign that entered Daraa and then Damascus. After King Faisal left Damascus and Prince Abdullah arrived in Transjordan in late 1920, Odeh was among the first supporters and those who pledged allegiance to the Prince. He continued to be so until his death in the summer of 1924.