Ali Kholqi Al Sharairi
Ali Kholqi Al Sharairi joined the Great Arab Revolt and had a major role in the events and battles led by Arabs. Prince Faisal appointed him as military governor of the Karak region in August 1919, and later moved him to become the military governor of the Golan. When the news of the arrival of the French armies led by General Gouraud to the outskirts of Damascus came to Governor Ali Kholqi Al Sharairi, he joined the Jordanian rebels in Maysaloun Battle. After the battle ended in favour of the French occupiers, hundreds of executions were ordered against the Arab fighters, including Sharairi, but the ruling was not implemented.
After Faisal’s reign ended, Sharairi sought to cooperate with Jordanians in forming local governance councils, such as Irbid’s government, which he headed. After the Jordanian Emirate was established, Sharairi was appointed as counsellor on security and discipline in the Emirate’s first government. He was also appointed minister of education and assumed a number of posts in the Emirate, and later in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, until he died on 25 June 1960.